Long Runs & Ultramarathon Training

"All you have to do is go out and do some four- and five-hour runs." -Dan Held, 2000 US Ultra Runner of the Year, 2:13 marathoner

It sounds simple enough, and perhaps seems incredibly logical that, for a really long race, you need to run long. But the tools we use (back-to-back long runs, super long runs, fueling vs. depletion runs, etc.) all have a variety of risks and rewards, and can be utilized differently, both depending on the athlete and depending on the time in the training cycle.

We dive into the nitty gritty on a few of these all-important sessions, including how and why we use different types of long run stimuli when we do.

Ascent Endurance Group provides personalized high-performance coaching for everyone. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, and serving athletes across North America, AEG helps runners, multisport athletes, skiers, and other endurance athletes in their endeavors, from two minutes to 24 hours.

www.ascentendurancegroup.com www.facebook.com/ascentendurancegroup www.instagram.com/ascentendurancegroup


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